It's the pinnacle of laziness and greed and in Bethesda's case that was cemented by their decision to remove vanilla Skyrim from the Steam store when they released SE. It is part of a wider trend of crap, lazy remasters that smack of developers trying to jump on and monetize the 'overhaul' bandwagon modders have been pushing for years and turning out to be drastically incompetent at overhauls compared to the modders. They reduced the FOV, upgraded the textures, lighting and particle effects slightly, added god rays, and it somehow tanked performance relative to what mods could achieve on the vanilla game with similar or better visual improvements. Otherwise no need to buy a new console.My personal take on this, having played both, is that SE is a pile of poo. If you’re looking to buy a version for a new XBox 1 or PS4 then definitely get Skyrim SE. The game definitely looks better and mods are a nice addition, but I don’t think it is worth the full price considering you have it on PS3.

They’re the same thing as far as the base game is concerned the difference is whether the DLC came bundled or were purchased individually. If you have 32-bit Skyrim (Oldrim), its folder will say either Skyrim or Skyrim Legendary Edition. If you want to double-check that, go to \Steam\steamapps\common and look. The hard copy has the dlc loaded on the disk, this normally isn’t a problem, but with Bethesda games they seem to completely screw legendary and GOTY edition of games.

If you are on console (ps3/xbox360) DO NOT buy the hard copy of the legendary edition. If you are on PC, then yes get the legendary edition.